Kumar Bhagwandas
Kumar Bhagwandas
Kumar Bhagwandas
Everard Hoffman
Kumar Bhagwandas
Tony Edrisinha

This website hosted in Melbourne, Australia, is dedicated to a far flung diaspora of some 250 families from Sri Lanka who lived at the ‘Bambalapitiya flats’, or ‘The Flats’ as it is affectionately known - between the years 1955 and 1975.

Every religion, race, language, creed and colour mingled to form a crucible of human interaction, where almost everyone knew each other by their first name.

Cricket matches, badminton tournaments, film-shows, police and robbers, camps, sea-baths, diving, spear-fishing, kite competitions, ‘rugger’, football – all this and more were the stage and we the Flatters were the star players!

This experience of one-ness is made ever so poignant because nearly every family barring a few from that era, have migrated to the far corners of the world

Following a series of landmark Flatters gatherings, this web site aims to keep the Flatters spirit of that era alive.

No matter where we are, as Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and Burghers, we continue to be one people, fortunate to have been born on an Island of exquisite beauty and charm. May we and the next generation of Flatters now living at Bambalapitiya Flats

With gratitude
Kumar, Everard and Tony, Flatters and Friends Committee
From 1997 to 2017, the Flatters and Friends Committee hae organised tem International Flatters gatherings in Melbourne and Sri Lanka. Flatters came together from across the world

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The Bambalapitiya Flats, Colombo 4, Sri Lanka